Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

ga semua tau....

aaaah i feel bored bored bored....

ga da kerjaan bgt...

pgn buru2 msk aj ni....biar bs ngerjain ap gt....duh jd pngangguran mang ga enk! :(

drpd bosen...g mw ksh tw list2 lgu yg skrg jd top 5 ato top brp aj d yg psti itu lg g dengerin stiap hr... g rekomendasiin lgu2ny krn emng enk bgt...

Cindy's Playlist

1. Tonight - FM Static
2. She's Got You High - Mumm-Ra
3. Forever - Killing Me Inside
4. Into Your Arms - The Maine
5. Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars
6. Like We Used To - A Rocket To The Moon
7. Pretend - Scott Porter and The Glory Dogs (ost. Bandslam)
8. Wish You Were Here - Hey Monday
9. When A Man Loves A Woman - Michael Bolton
10. The Only Exception - Paramore

dijamin donk pstiny playlist lgu2 g tdk mngecewakan.. hahahhaha. playlist ni kumpulan lgu2 pop punk slow acoustic alternative soul y intiny genre ksukaan g lah. yg pst lgu ny bukan ky lgu christian bautista. hahhahahhaha. tllu melow n lebay g ga sk! lol. yg psti plylist g c dalem smua d..hahahahahha

ini adalah lgu tmanis...lgu fav g slmanya...bwt org yg g cintain...=)

"Tonight" - FM Static

I remember the times we spent together
on those drives
We had a million questions
all about our lives
and when we got to New York
everything felt right
I wish you were here with me

I remember the days we spent together
were not enough
and it used to feel like dreamin'
except we always woke up
Never thought not having you
here now would hurt so much

Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you
I can just look up
and know the stars are
holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you tonight

I remember the time you told me about when you were eight
And all those things you said that night that just couldn't wait
I remember the car you were last seen in
and the games we would play
All the times we spilled our coffees
and stayed out way too late
I remember the time you told me about your Jesus
and how not to look back even if no one believes us
When it hurt so bad sometimes
not having you here...

I sing,
Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you
I can just look up
and know the stars are
holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you tonight

I sing,
Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you
I can just look up
and know the stars are
holdin' you, holdin' you, holdin' you tonight

lagu ini diciptain sendiri sm vokalisny bwt ce ny yg mninggal waktu tragedi World Trade Center 11 sept...hiks...soo sad :'(

aaaa i realize......

hhhh....i realize, i cannot be selfish...i'm sorry you muuuaaaaaacchh ;*

thank's for your support'll always be my bff like forever.....=)
this is me n tepi wkt thn 08 wkt msh kuliah di mene (=

kmrn bis ktemu tp ga poto2..hiks..nti kl ktemu lg poto lg d breng tepi (dan antony pastiny, lol)

Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

i feel like.......

too much problem again...... :'(
kpla g da psing krn 2 mslah brt ini..........
& then sister g mlah nglakuin hal ky! i feel hurt bcos of her. ga bs mikir ap y, ga bs nghrgain kel sndr ap. g kan nci kandungny, kl g org laen c it's not a problem. cape g rasany... emang ud nglakuin ini itu tetp aj ga cukup baik. g muak jd ank sulung. g cpe msti jgain ade g yg ga tw trima kasih. ud cukup. oc, kl lo ga mw diatur, jgn pnh minta bantuan g lg bwt sterusny. u kan mrasa "bisa". y ud u lakuin aj sndr. jgn smpe menyesal u nglakuin in ke g. g nyesel dr dl sllu support n bntu u tp u tnyt malah ga bs ngharain g. bingung g u skola ap yg masuk di otak u c. sma bole ipa, tp otk u tnyt dngkal. g kesian sm lo sis... g brsyukur ga ky lo.

g mw pny hdp g sndr. krn g ud cpe ud muak... ga nyangka makin g gde beban g makin byk aj...msti gmn ni g....

ga pny tmn ngmng n tmn curhat.....tmn curhat dr dl cm ko ade.. n kdg2, ad be2rp hal2 yg pdhl ga brat2 bgt tp g ga bs curhat ma dy...misalny ky mslh ade g ini . mungkin krn dy gde breng qt2 jd g msti crhat ke org lain yg ga da hub drah...

cm ad 1 org dmn g bs crhat smuany sm dy... & y cm dy yg bs bikin g kuat......(i start crying while i write this...) dan....g kngen bgt sm dy...i miss him so much....rsany kl sm dy...g bs laluin smuanya n smuanya bakal baik2 aj.... :'(

pgn bs hdp sm dy aj n lupain smua mslh2 yg sllu bikin g skit.....